Here is the video for "Once there was a snowman" The kids love to sing it!
We had another good day in class today. Anne Marie had the lesson today. We trade off every other day doing what we thought of and then we just help each other out. We taught Sign Language today, and the kids absolutely LOVED it! We didn’t teach them anything really in depth, but Anne Marie brought a poster of the alphabet. We practiced it a couple of times and then went through the class and practiced signing each of the kid’s names. They were loving it. After every couple of names, we would teach them a phrase such as “My name is …” or “How are you” They thought it was so cool. We could probably have done it for days and they would have still loved it. Then we went through and sang the alphabet song while doing the signs. They loved our version of the song. They sang theirs for us before we sang ours, and it was so cute. After every couple letters they would sing a phrase about Jesus. It was really cute.The rest of the day was free. We went to the temple again. It is the last week that it will be open while we are here because they are closing it for cleaning. We were trying to hit a session, but we got lost on the way. Surprise, surprise. Our taxi driver had no idea where we were trying to go, and sometimes it is very hard to explain because they speak with such thick accents. When we finally made it, the session had already started, and there wasn’t another one for 2 hours, so we all did baptisms. I felt so bad for the lone man in our group. Each of us girls did about 10 names, and there were 10 girls there. So total, he had to baptize us about 100 times. I bet his arms were tired!
Then, we all headed out to eat, and surprise again, more problems with the taxi. We were just driving along, when all of a sudden traffic got really slow. I guess the cops just do random checks sometimes, and so he pulled us over and came to our driver and asked for his license. Our driver started arguing with the cop and after a minute he looked at us and said, “You get out of the car, your driver is being arrested, and the car is being impounded.” We were like, “Well, okay then,” and we got out of the car. I felt bad for the driver, but I guess it is his fault for driving illegally, probably with a stolen car. Most of the drivers here hot wire the cars to get them started, so I am sure most of them are either stolen, or illegal. It was pretty funny and just a little bit scary.
And, that was my day in Ghana. It is always an adventure, and each day I learn something new.
Good grief. I guess just be thankful they didn't arrest you too!