Time is flying by. I can tell you one thing for sure…this side of 9 months is going by way faster than the pregnant side. I wish it would switch so I could enjoy my baby for longer. She is such a sweetheart and we are just loving every minute we have with her. She is getting so curious and active. She wants everything we have, and is so vocal. She will squeal and scream and jabber away all day. It is adorable. She loves to be in the same room with us and if she is ever left alone in a room it doesn’t take her long to notice. She will yell for us to come back, and as soon as she can see us, she is fine. Silly little stinker. It makes getting things done a little bit hard. She loves to play with her toys and especially loves balls. She is learning so much every day, and it is amazing to watch her learn new things so fast! I wish my brain could pick up on things as fast as hers does.Gwen LOVES to come in to bed with us on Saturday and Sunday mornings. She will often take over Dan’s pillow and hang out for about 30 minutes jabbering with us and playing with the covers. It’s one of our favorite things to do on the weekend. She keeps us busy, and laughing. She is our little, chubby angel.
Right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Cute Baby
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Beautiful Fall
We’ve had some amazing weather this fall. We have loved getting out and enjoying the warm weather and beautiful leaves. We went for a little hike up Stewart Falls. It was so fun. Gwennie loved being outside and seeing the pretty colors. She loved being in the backpack for about the first half of the hike, but we ended up carrying her on the hike back. By the end she was tired and hungry, but over all, she was a trooper.We put G’s feet in the pool beneath the falls, and it was pretty icy. She didn’t love it, but it was fun to see her squirm.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
7 months young
Today is my little G’s 7 month birthday! Can you believe she is already 7 months old?!?!Here is a little list of all the things she loves at 7 months:
*Eating. She cannot get enough food. She loves everything we’ve tried, even pickles. YUCK!!
*Playing with her toes: She’s always doing these gymnast moves with one or both legs up and she’ll hold onto her heel. She is so flexible!
*Playing with her cousins
*Holding the blanket, or burp cloth, or bib up to her face as she is sucking her thumb when she’s tired or sleeping
*Sitting up!! She is such a good sitter now.
*Playing in her exersaucer. She loves all the toys and being able to stand up.
*Still loves her thumb, swing, bouncer, gym, baths, being held, and snuggling.
*Being tickled
*Looking at herself in the mirror
*Holding her own bottle, or sippy cup. Yup, she can drink out of a sippy now.
*Her dad and her puppy – though I’m not sure Chloe returns the feelings. :)We are loving our girl, and cannot get enough of her. A couple of good things have happened for us, 1 being Dan got into the Professional MBA program at the University of Utah. He starts in January. We are so excited, and really feel like this is where he is supposed to go, after all the stress of Law School, we are excited to be moving forward. And secondly, and not quite as exciting, I got a job working from home as a personal assistant for Paul Cardall, an amazing pianist. I’m a littler nervous about it, but I hope it will work out for us. We are feeling pretty blessed, things have just been falling into place, and we are so grateful.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
G’s Room Remodel
I’ve been really wanting to redo Gwen’s room since we moved in. I didn’t take any photos of it before, but to give you an idea, it was brown, and one wall was this really hideous shade of pink. It was super dark and just looked kind of dingy. It finally got the best of me, and I decided it was time to remodel. We needed a closet organizer pretty bad, and I just wanted to buy one because I thought it would be faster, but my handy man husband would not have it. I think he was actually offended that I suggested we buy one instead of having him build it out. So, off we went to Home Depot. We got all the supplies for 24 buckaroos. And we went to work. He built the little cubby’s for her drawers, and put in an extra shelf with rod for hanging. If you remember from last year when we were in our tiny apartment and didn’t have a closet for her, we were using an old cabinet that we refurbished to be the closet, we decided to move it out to open up some space in her room, and we needed some cubbies for her clothes like what was in the closet we built. This was the first time we have actually used the closet in her room. Then, we painted like crazy, put some shelves up, (of course that Dan built) and bought a chandelier. It turned out to be SO cute, and now I love going in there. It brightened it up so much, and also opened it up. Also, I stenceled a little quote on the wall, letter by letter, and it took forever, I love how it turned out. Here are some photos, see for yourself.
We also reupholstered her rocking chair. Also, didn’t take any photos of before, but it looks great, and matches the room so well. We used some old curtains that we had, so it was practically free. I am so happy it’s done. It was a bigger project than I imagined, but it always is, isn’t it? Oh well. It’s done, it’s amazing, and I love it!!