Right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well, it's all over now. The holidays have come and gone, and I hope yours were as wonderful as mine. We had a great time spending time with family, friends, and each other. It was great to have some time off work, and to see some family we don't get to see much. My sister, her husband and kiddos came out from Colorado to spend Christmas with us. We had our annual "sibling sleepover" on Christmas Eve, complete with a Wii bowling and boxing tournament. Loved it. Halle and Josh sang away in a manger, and we did our first nativity. Our family is finally getting enough grandkids to do that, and it was really fun. Blake loves to give Chloe kisses, and Jack is learning to smile for the camera.We spent New Year's Eve with Von, Ash, Jeff, and Kat, and as always, it was a PARTY! We had a "futuristic" themed party, and all came dressed in what we imagined will be the future of clothes. I got a rockin sequin dress, Dan put on some weird clothes and eyeliner (which I hope isn't in store for the future) Ash was sporting an awesome pink wig complete with sequin shorts, Von had some crazy cool art work on his face, Kat came in a David Bowie meets Michael Jackson red spandex suit, which was awesome, and Jeff came prepared for the Apocalypse. He even proved to us that he was ready by eating raw steak. It was pretty gross. Jumping for joy for 2011 to comeAt midnight we went outside and shook up some coke and watched them explode
Here is my top ten list of things that happened in 2010 - in no particular order. I can't believe another year has come and gone.
1. 2 week European Dream Vacation
2. Dan's new job
3. Peru
4. Being married for 4 years
5. California - 4th of July
6. Bought a new car (after 3 years)
7. Lion King at Capitol Theater
8. Being successful at my resolution from last year
9. Having a year free of migraines (thanks to my magic NAET specialist)
10. Finally decided to move on with our life, and have plans to build a house
Here's to 2010...welcome 2011!!


  1. loved the top ten list! ...What an awesome year you've had!!
    List for 2011
    -move into the house on Von and Ashlies street
    -get pregnant the same time Ashlie does...
    we on the same page?

  2. I think we are on the same page. :) If only that stubborn danny would let us move into the house accross the street. For some weird reason he wants to be closer to work. Lame. Also, add to the list, go to cali again together.

  3. That was a beautiful and fun post my dear. 2010 really was an awesome year for you guys. And i love that you said that little boy was learning to smile for the camera haha!

  4. Wow, I am behind the times, but I love this post. I have been thinking about the sequin dress....
    Let's talk soon!
