Right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

You’ll want to read this. Trust me

So you may be wondering what happened to me.  It seems as though I have fallen off the planet, and in many ways, I have.  I have been pretty sick as of late because of this little word on this little stick.IMG_1468And this is our reaction….  


This little baby will be joining our family sometime around February 26th.  I am almost out of the 1st trimester…and hopefully I’ll start feeling better once that happens.  Puking all day every day really isn’t fun.  And I have to eat ALL the time.  Ugh.  I hate eating.  Tips or advice is gladly welcomed.  prego1preggo2 preggo3

Yeah, we used Chloe to tell our parents.  It was so funny when they finally caught on to what was going on.  I loved it. 

Not gunna lie, I think our baby is going to be pretty stinkin cute, I mean, look at the gene pool it’s working with. :)


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy for you two! I didn't get super sick, but I always heard ginger helped. Ginger ale, ginger snaps, whatever. Worth a try!

  2. she is gonna be sooo cute!!!! I'm so excited for you guys!!! you are going to be the best parents!

  3. yayayayayay! that is super exciting! so happy for you!!!

  4. wooohoooo! Being a mom is the best!!!!! Sorry about the sickness...it is the WORST. I lived on fruit gummies and lifesavers mints...I always had to be eating something and the mints made it possible to not eat something super filling...good luck car! miss you!

  5. Love this news! You guys are going to be amazing parents! Can't wait to see you next week!
