Right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale

Friday, August 27, 2010

In Loving Memory.....

My grandmother, Geneve Taft Smith Cornell Deuel Henderson passed away on Sunday August 22, exactly one week shy of her 89th birthday. My grandma Nene as we all called her was a truly remarkable woman. There are not enough words to adequately describe her. She had such a wonderful way of reaching people, of loving them, and of making them feel that they were the most important person in the world. Everyone that knew her would say that they were her favorite friend, daughter, son, grandchild, etc. The love of her life died almost 30 years ago. I wish I could have been a witness to their reunion. She talked a lot about him before she died, it was obvious that she missed him, and was excited to be with him again. It had been far too long.
She was always very invovled with her community, politics, and history. She was awarded many things including Freedom Foundation Award, Valley Forge Honor Certificate for the Spirit of America Speaks in 1974, George Washington Honor Medal Administration Award in 1990, Valley Forge Teachers Medal in 1990, Daughters of American Revolution Award of Excellence for Outstanding Teacher of American History in Utah in 1988, awarded Who's Who in American Teachers 1990 and 1992, awarded Who's Who Among Outstanding Americans in 1995. She was fondly known as Mrs. Columbus and was President of the Republican Women's organization in Utah County just to name a few.
She was a brilliant individual. She compiled many books full of the stories of her life, and the lives of her 10 children. She also compiled a book of quotes, and thoughts. This is one such thought I found and thought fit perfectly with who she was.
(Paraphrased) I am the foundation of all wisdom and buisness, I am the fount of all prosperity. I am the parent of genius. I have laid the groundwork for every fortune. I must be loved before I can bestow my greatest blessing and achieve my greatest ends. Loved, I make life purposeful and fruitful. I can do more to advance a youth than his own parents, be they ever so rich. Fools hate me, wise men love me and I am represented in every loaf of bread and every train and newspaper. I am the mother of democracy. Who am I? What am I? I am work! (B.C. Forbes)
Grandma and 9 of her 10 kids
I had the very sweet experience of spending many hours with her during the last week of her life. The memories that were made will be forever in my heart. Never once, in all of her pain did she utter a sour phrase, or an unkind word. She always greeted everyone with love and genuine happiness. I have never heard her speak badly of another. She was a remarkable woman. Beautiful, strong, smart, stubborn, kind, loving, gracious, compassionate and sweet. She always knew how to make me feel like a million bucks. In fact, my brother said, "now who's going to make me feel special for doing absolutely nothing?" Any time I left her house, my self esteem was always a million times higher. She just had a way about her that made everyone feel loved. She left behind a great legacy. 10 children, 41 grandchildren, 64 great grandchildren, and so far, 2 great-great grandchildren.
Most of the 64 grandchildren
The Ralph Cornell Family Us with Grandma on her wedding day (Getting married to Francis at age 83) I will ever be grateful for her unconditional love, for her example, and for the person she is. She has had such a profound effect on my life, and I am so grateful that she was my grandma. Greatful that I was able to feel her love, and grateful that I have some of her in me. The most I can hope for is that I will someday be 1/10 of the person she was. I am so sad to see her go, but so grateful that I was able to have her in my life for so many years.As she quoted in one of our last visits, "time flies on wings of lightning, and we cannot call it back..." The world has lost one of its most valuable citizens, and she will ever be missed. I love you grandma Nene, you will forever be in my heart.